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Polemik dan Konstribusi al-Shafi’i dalam Diskursus Yurisprudensi Islam


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Title Polemik dan Konstribusi al-Shafi’i dalam Diskursus Yurisprudensi Islam
Creator Aprilianto, Dwi
Zahidi, Salman
Subject Hukum Islam
al-Shafi'i, Usul al-fiqh, Methodology
Description Artikel ini mencoba membahas tentang siapa pendiri atau pelopor Usul al-fiqh (prinsip-prinsip fiqih). Pasalnya, ada beberapa wakil dari beberapa kepala madhab yang mengaku sebagai pendiri bidang tersebut. Lantas, benarkah Syafi'i yang dikenal sebagai "ahli arsitek fikih" orang pertama yang merintis bidang usul al-fiqh. al-Syafi'i dikenal sebagai pelopor mazhab qodim dan jadid yang muncul setelah sekian lama belajar di berbagai pusat hukum di seluruh dunia. Lingkungan yang dialaminya memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap perkembangan pemikiran sejarah dan juga menawarkan metode pemikiran yang sistematis, pemikiran logika fiqh.This article tries to discuss the issue of who the founder or pioneer of Usul al-fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence) is. This is because there are severalal legations from several principal of Madhab claimed they are the founders of the field. So, is it trueal-Shafi'i known as "master architect of jurisprudence" the first person who pioneered the field of Usul al-fiqh. al-Shafi'i is well known as pioneer of "qodim" and "jadid" schools of thought which emerged after a long period of study in various legal centers around the world. This environment he experienced made a significant contribution to the development of historical thought and also offered a method of throught that was systematic, thought the logic of fiqh.
Publisher Universitas Islam Lamongan
Contributor Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam Lamongan
Date 2020-12-26
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Artikel yang dipeer-review
Format application/pdf
Source Akademika; Vol 14, No 02 (2020): Akademika
Language ind
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