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Tarbawi : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islami

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Field Value Kearifan Syariat dan Hikmah dalam Puasa
Kearifan Syariat dan Hikmah dalam Puasa Mufaizin, Mufaizin Syara ', Shiyam, Kafarah and Rukhshoh
Syara’, Shiyam, Kafarah dan Rukhshoh Such a way of thinking was immediately followed by some Muslims especially the ulamas. So that some scholars give special attention by making works that are focused on studying the wisdom, philosophy and wisdom of the Shari'a. like Al Jurjawi with his book Hikmatu Tasyri 'Wafalsafatuhu, Mustafa As Siba'I with his work AhkamuS Shiyam Wa Falsafatuhu, Ad Dahlawy with his work Hujjatullah Al Balighah and other scholars. For this reason, the wisdom and wisdom of Shari'a are very urgent to be revealed in this contemporary era. Through this article the author feels the need to give a little review even though only a small part of the ocean of knowledge and the Shari'a of God which is applied to this people is about the wisdom of the Shari'a and wisdom in the obligation of fasting
Cara berpikir demikian segera dsikapi oleh sebagian umat islam terlebih para ulama. Sehingga sebagian ulama memberikan perhatian khusus dengan membuat karya yang memang difokuskan untuk mengkaji hikmah, Falsafah dan kearifan syariat. seperti Al jurjawi dengan kitabnya Hikmatu Tasyri’ Wafalsafatuhu, Musthafa As siba’I dengan karyanya AhkamuS Shiyam Wa Falsafatuhu, Ad Dahlawy dengan karyanya Hujjatullah Al Balighah serta para ulama lain. Karena alasan inilah, hikmah dan kearifan syariat menjadi sangat urgen untuk di ungkap di era kontemporer ini. Melalui tulisan ini penulis merasa perlu memberikan sedikit ulasan walau hanya bagian kecil dari  samudera ilmu dan syariat allah swt yang diberlakukan bagi umat ini yaitu tentang kearifan syariat dan hikmah dalam kewajiban ibadah puasa. LP3M STAI Darul Hikmah Bangkalan 2018-03-16 info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Articles application/pdf
10.35309/alinsyiroh.v2i1.3335 Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman; Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Maret; 103-127
Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman; Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Maret; 103-127
10.35309/alinsyiroh.v2i1 eng