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Karakteristik Keuangan dan Kinerja Ekonomi: Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Food and Beverages di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Jihbiz : Journal of Islamic Economy, Finance, and Banking

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Title Karakteristik Keuangan dan Kinerja Ekonomi: Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Food and Beverages di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Financial Characteristics and Economic Performance: An Empirical Study on Food and Beverages Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Creator Muhammad, Helmi
Subject financial characteristics and economic performance
karakteristik keuangan dan kinerja ekonomi
Description Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik keuangan terhadap economic performance pada perusahaan food and beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Berdasarkan pembahasan dan analisis data, maka dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: a) Secara simultan variabel Struktur Modal, Likuiditas, Profitabilitas, Valuation, Pertumbuhan dan Investasi Modal Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap economic performance; b) Secara parsial Struktur Modal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap economic performance; c) Secara parsial Likuiditas tidak berpengaruh terhadap economic performance; d) Secara parsial Profitabilitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap economic performance; e) Secara parsial Valuation tidak berpengaruh terhadap economic performance.; f) Secara parsial Pertumbuhan tidak berpengaruh terhadap economic performance; g) Secara parsial Investasi Modal Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap economic performance.
This study aims to determine the effect of financial characteristics on economic performance in food and beverages companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Based on the discussion and data analysis, several conclusions can be drawn as follows: a) Simultaneously the variables of Capital Structure, Liquidity, Profitability, Valuation, Growth, and Working Capital Investment have a significant effect on economic performance; b) Partially, capital structure has a significant effect on economic performance; c) Partially Liquidity does not affect economic performance; d) Partially, profitability has a significant effect on economic performance; e) Partially Valuation does not affect economic performance; f) Partially, growth does not affect economic performance; g) Partially, working capital investment has a significant effect on economic performance.
Publisher Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat
Date 2018-07-21
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
Source Jihbiz : Journal of Islamic Economy, Finance, and Banking; Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018); 149-170
Jihbiz : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah; Vol 2 No 2 (2018); 149-170
Language ind
Rights Copyright (c) 2018 Jihbiz : jurnal ekonomi, keuangan dan perbankan syariah