G-Tech: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
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Title |
Creator |
Felani, Jerik
Prasetyo, Waluyo |
Description |
PT Naku Freight Indonesia (NFI) is engaged in food retail. The inbound and outbound processes include receiving, storing, replenishing, picking, packing and shipping. This process must prioritize the principles of work effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and work safety. The company has implemented a Quality, Safety, Health, and Environment (QSHE) System. One way to implement the QSHE System is by applying Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke (Concise, Neat, Clean, Caring, and Diligent) (5S). The 5S method is applied because frequent work equipment placement is not in place. The application of this method is expected to increase work productivity and effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of application and effectiveness of the 5S Method at PT NFI. The resulting conclusions were: The percentage of achievement in implementing 5S included the application of seiri (sorting) by 100%, seiton (structuring) by 100%, seiso (cleaning) by 100%, seiketsu (stabilization) by 100%, and shitsuke (habituation) by 75 %. The results of this percentage indicated that there was 1 (one) aspect of 5S that has not been applied as a whole, namely Shitsuke. So it can be concluded that the application of Shitsuke at PT NFI has not yet run optimally. If the measurement of the percentage of 5S application was converted into a predicate (qualitative): the application of seiri (sorting), seiton (structuring), the application of seiso (cleaning), seiketsu (stabilization) was carried out "effectively", while the application of shitsuke (habituation) was still running "sufficiently effective"
PT Naku Freight Indonesia (NFI) bergerak dalam bidang retail makanan. Proses inbound dan outbound didalamnya meliputi penerimaan, penyimpanan, replenishment, picking, packing, dan pengiriman. Proses ini harus mengedepankan asas-asas efektifitas kerja, efisiensi, produktifitas dan keselamatan kerja. Perusahaan telah melaksanakan Quality, Safety, Health, and Enviroment (QSHE) System. Salah satu cara implementasi QSHE System adalah dengan aplikasi Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, dan Shitsuke (Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, dan Rajin) (5S). Metode 5S diterapkan karena sering terjadi penempatan peralatan kerja yang tidak pada tempatnya. Aplikasi metode ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas dan efektifitas kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosentase penerapan dan efektifitas Metode 5S di PT NFI. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan yaitu: Prosentase ketercapaian penerapan 5S meliputi penerapan seiri (pemilahan) sebesar 100%, seiton (penataan) sebesar 100%, seiso (pembersihan) sebesar 100%, seiketsu (pemantapan) sebesar 100%, dan shitsuke (pembiasaan) sebesar 75%. Hasil prosentase tersebut menunjukkan ada 1 (satu) aspek dari 5S yang belum diterapkan secara keseluruhan yaitu shitsuke. Sehingga bisa disimpulkan penerapan shitsuke di PT NFI belum berjalan secara maksimal. Apabila pengukuran prosentase penerapan 5S dikonversi kedalam suatu predikat (bersifat kualitatif): penerapan seiri (pemilahan), seiton (penataan), penerapan seiso (pembersihan), seiketsu (pemantapan) dilaksanakan “efektif”, sedangkan penerapan shitsuke (pembiasaan) masih berjalan “cukup efektif”. |
Publisher |
Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang
Date |
Type |
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Artikel Peer-review |
Format |
Identifier |
10.33379/gtech.v3i1.420 |
Source |
G-Tech: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan; Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): G-Tech Oktober 2019; 198-207
G-Tech: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan; Vol 3 No 1 (2019): G-Tech Oktober 2019; 198-207 2623-064X 2580-8737 10.33379/gtech.v3i1 |
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Rights |
Hak Cipta (c) 2019 G-Tech : Jurnal Teknologi Terapan |