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Efektivitas Komunikasi Risiko Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah

Journal of Governance Innovation

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Title Efektivitas Komunikasi Risiko Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah
Efektivitas Komunikasi Risiko Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah
Creator Andhika Y F, Farahdilla
Subject crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC);
komunikasi efektif;
penanganan pandemi covid 19.
crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC);
effective communication;
handling the covid pandemic 19.
Description Abstract
The communication practices demonstrated by the government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic have not implemented effective communication principles. This results in a lack of public trust in the government in handling the epidemic which in turn can slow down or even hinder the process of handling this health crisis. The focus of risk communication design is on community participation activities as the spearhead in ensuring that social norms and individual awareness are increased. Important components in this study include 1) important messages; keep your distance, wear a mask, hand washing with soap, stigma, worship at home, nutrition, exercise. 2) Restrictions policies, policies on restrictions on religious activities, government programs. 3) Communication channels; online media, electronic and print media, offline media. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Covid-19 risk communication by the Government to religious figures, community leaders and village local government figures in the East Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara Region. Furthermore, we hope that this paper can provide a practical contribution for policy makers to formulate an effective and relevant communication strategy to deal with current and future pandemics. This study was designed with a qualitative approach using the survey method. Population of religious and community leaders at the Village level in 3 Provinces. Character of respondents, Influential Individuals in Society, namely: religious leaders, community leaders and government figures. Sampling was determined using the "Purposive Multi-Stage Cluster Sampling" method. This study can be useful for preparing program recommendations that will involve religious leaders, community leaders and village local government figures in the East Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara regions
The communication practices demonstrated by the government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic have not implemented effective communication principles. This results in a lack of public trust in the government in handling the epidemic which in turn can slow down or even hinder the process of handling this health crisis. The focus of risk communication design is on community participation activities as the spearhead in ensuring that social norms and individual awareness are increased. Important components in this study include 1) important messages; keep your distance, wear a mask, hand washing with soap, stigma, worship at home, nutrition, exercise. 2) Restrictions policies, policies on restrictions on religious activities, government programs. 3) Communication channels; online media, electronic and print media, offline media. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Covid-19 risk communication by the Government to religious figures, community leaders and village local government figures in the East Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara Region. Furthermore, we hope that this paper can provide a practical contribution for policy makers to formulate an effective and relevant communication strategy to deal with current and future pandemics. This study was designed with a qualitative approach using the survey method. Population of religious and community leaders at the Village level in 3 Provinces. Character of respondents, Influential Individuals in Society, namely: religious leaders, community leaders and government figures. Sampling was determined using the "Purposive Multi-Stage Cluster Sampling" method. This study can be useful for preparing program recommendations that will involve religious leaders, community leaders and village local government figures in the East Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara regions
Praktik komunikasi yang diperagakan oleh pemerintah dalam menangani pandemi Covid-19 belum menerapkan prinsip-prinsip komunikasi yang efektif. Ini berakibat pada kurangnya kepercayaan publik terhadap pemerintah dalam penanganan wabah yang pada gilirannya dapat memperlambat bahkan  menghambat  proses  penanganan  krisis  kesehatan  ini. Fokus dari rancangan komunikasi risiko adalah pada kegiatan peran serta masyarakat (PSM) sebagai ujung tombak dalam memastikan bahwa norma sosial dan kewaspadaan individu meningkat. Komponen.penting dalam studi ini meliputi 1) pesan penting; jaga jarak, pakai masker, CTPS, Stigma, beribadah di rumah, nutrisi, olah raga. 2) Kebijakan tentang Pembatasan, Kebijakan tentang pembatasan aktivitas Peribadatan, Program pemerintah. 3) Saluran komunikasi; media online, media elektronik dan cetak, media offline. Tujuan dari Studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas komunikasi risiko Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah kepada tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh pemerintahan lokal Desa di Wilayah Jawa Timur, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Lebih jauh, kami berharap tulisan ini dapat memberikan kontribusi praktis bagi para pemangku kebijakan untuk merumuskan strategi komunikasi yang efektif dan relevan untuk menangani pandemi saat ini maupun di masa yang akan datang. Studi ini dirancang dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan Metode Survey. Populasi tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat di tingkat Desa di 3 Provinsi. Karakter responden, Individu Berpengaruh di Masyarakat yaitu: tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh pemerintahan. Penentuan Sampling menggunakan metode ”Purposive Multi-Stage Cluster Sampling”. Studi ini dapat berguna untuk menyusun rekomendasi program yang akan melibatkan tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh pemerintahan lokal Desa di Wilayah Jawa Timur, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Publisher Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Islam Raden Rahmat Malang
Date 2021-09-29
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Journal of Governance Innovation; Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Volume 3 Nomor 2, September 2021; 119-129
Language ind
Rights Copyright (c) 2021 Farahdilla Andhika Y F