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Implementasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab melalui Pendekatan Saintifik di Kelas 1 MI Ar-Rahmah Jabung Kabupaten Malang

Studi Arab

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Title Implementasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab melalui Pendekatan Saintifik di Kelas 1 MI Ar-Rahmah Jabung Kabupaten Malang
Creator Fathurrohman, Amang
Subject Kurikulum 2013, Pendekatan Saintifik, Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
Description Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Rahmah Malang is a primary level educational institution in Jabung District of Malang Regency. Since Class 1, students have been introduced to Arabic language lessons using a scientific approach. Through qualitative methods, the results of this study indicate that the implementation of Arabic learning using a scientific approach has been carried out by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Rahmah teachers. Various methods are used so that the scientific approach can be achieved properly. However, because they are still in class 1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, the emphasis on Arabic is still directed to memorize mufrodat related to everyday themes. So the scientific approach is still not optimal to be implemented in grade 1 students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ar-Rahmah Jabung Malang.
Publisher Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan
Date 2020-06-30
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
Source 2502-616X
Language eng