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Pendampingan Konversi Sampah Menjadi Bernilai Investasi Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Berbasis Android di Desa Sumber Gedang Pandaan Pasuruan

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Title Pendampingan Konversi Sampah Menjadi Bernilai Investasi Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Berbasis Android di Desa Sumber Gedang Pandaan Pasuruan
Creator Abdillah Mundir
Akhmad Alifan
Ummi Aminatuz Zuhriyah
Durrotul Ilmiyah
Titin Musarofa
Syaiyidatun Nadzifa
Subject waste bank, resik application, investment
Description Garbage is an object/residual substance that is not used from human life, and should receive serious attention and handling. However, due to a lack of public understanding, this waste problem has been neglected, as is the case in Sumber Gedang Village, Pandaan District - Pasuruan. One of the existing solutions from the Yudharta University student service group is to empower youth through the movement to convert waste into investment value by initiating an Android-based waste bank. Through the ABCD approach, the results of this service can contribute and make changes in waste management which so far have not been in accordance with environmentally sound waste management methods and techniques. In addition, this service has also changed the waste management system from burning to an integrated waste management system by sorting according to the category, so that it has a selling value and contributes to the social economy of the community
Publisher Institute for Research and Community Service in University of Yudharta Pasuruan
Date 2021-05-31
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
Source 2621-0762
Language eng