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Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan

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Creator Al-Kaafi, Achmad Karunia
Description Abstrak Universitas Islam Malang merupakan kampus yang berkiblat pada ajaran Islam Ahlussunnah wal jama’ah, maka dari itu hal-hal yang bertolak belakang dengan ajaran Islam tentunya tidak dapat ditoleransi lagi oleh pihak kampus. Namun sudah menjadi rahasia umum, ada beberapa mahasiswa yang kurang baik karakternya, kurang mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab, kurang jujur bahkan ada yang melakukan tindakan tercela. Berdasarkan berbagai sumber informasi penulis mendapatkan data bahwa ada beberapa mahasiswa yang tidak bertanggung jawab ketika meminjam buku di perpustakaan, buku-buku yang dipinjam tidak dikembalikan dan ada juga mahasiswa yang meminjam buku namun saat dikembalikan ternyata buku tersebut tidak utuh sebagaimana mestinya.Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai religius dalam membangun karakter mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang, mengetahui proses Implementasi nilai-nilai religius dalam membangun karakter mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang, menganalisis model pengembangan karakter religius mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang.Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan non eksperimen yang juga dinamakan dengan penelitian deskriptif. Data primer dan sekunder diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan dalam analisis data menggunakan condentation (ringkasan), data display (penyajian data), conclusion drawing (penarikan simpulan serta verifikasinya) dan menelaah seluruh data.Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian adalah 1. Untuk membentuk budaya religius dapat dilakukan oleh praktisi pendidikan diantaranya melalui: a. Memberikan contoh (Teladan) b. Membiasakan sikap tasammuh c. Meningkatkan kedisiplinan d. Memberikan reward dan dorongan e. Membangun psikologis anak f. Menghukum dalam rangka kedisplinan g. Menciptakan suasana menyenangkan yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan anak. 2. Output dari Unisma ini dengan adanya media pembelajaran dakwah, pelatihan khutbah jum’at maka mahasiswa mampu dan siap terjun ke dalam masyarakat atau dunia kerja dengan menyalurkan bakat kemampuannya lewat dakwah islami terhadap masyarakat homogen. 3. Membangun karakter seperti halnya budaya memakai sarung setiap hari jumat mencerminkan ciri khas warga NU atau ciri khas santri dengan mengamalkan paham ahlusunnah wal jamaah. Pengembangan karakter religius membutuhkan proses untuk mencapai ke tahap karakter akhlakul karimah melalui pembiasaan seperti kegiatan halaqoh diniyah, master maba dan oshika maba yang dirasa mampu menunjang pembentukan sikap kejujuran dan toleransi terhadap sesama. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Nilai-Nilai Religius, Membangun Karakter   IMPLEMENTATION OF RELIGIOUS VALUES IN BUILDING STUDENT CHARACTERS OF ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALANG ACHMAD KARUNIA AL-KAAFIMaster of Islamic Religious Education, Postgraduate of Islamic University of MalangJalan Mayjen Haryono Number 193, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City, East JavaEmail: ahmadkaafi540@gmail.comAbstract               The Islamic University of Malang is a campus that is oriented towards the teachings of the Islamic Ahlussunnah wal jama'ah, therefore, things that are contrary to Islamic teachings cannot be tolerated any longer by the campus. But it is an open secret, there are some students who are not good in character, lack a sense of responsibility, are less honest and some even commit despicable actions. Based on various sources of information, the author obtained data that there were some students who were not responsible when borrowing books from the library, borrowed books were not returned and there were also students who borrowed books but when they were returned it turned out that the books were not intact as they should be.               The objectives to be achieved in this research are to describe the religious values in building the character of students of the Islamic University of Malang, knowing the implementation process of religious values in building the character of the students of the Islamic University of Malang, analyzing the model of developing the religious character of the students of the Islamic University of Malang.               This type of research is a case study with a non-experimental approach which is also called descriptive research. Primary and secondary data were obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses condentation (summary), data display (data presentation), conclusion drawing (drawing conclusions and verification) and examining all data.               Based on the research findings are: 1. To form a religious culture can be done by education practitioners, including through: a. Provide an example (Example) b. Getting used to tasammuh c. Improve discipline d. Provide rewards and encouragement e. Build children's psychological f. Punish in the context of discipline g. Creating a fun atmosphere that affects the child's growth. 2. The output of this Unisma is with the existence of da'wah learning media, Friday sermon training, students are able and ready to enter the community or world of work by channeling their talents through Islamic preaching to a homogeneous society. 3. Building character, such as the culture of wearing a sarong every Friday, reflects the characteristics of NU residents or the characteristics of students by practicing ahlusunnah wal congregation. The development of religious character requires a process to reach the moral character stage through habituation such as halaqoh diniyah, master maba and oshika maba which are considered capable of supporting the formation of honesty and tolerance towards others. Keywords: Implementation, Religious Values, Building Character 
Publisher Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan
Date 2021-02-22
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan; Vol 3, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI; 185-197
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2021 Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan