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Pedidikan Akhlak Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum Bendung Jetis Mojokerto


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Title Pedidikan Akhlak Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum Bendung Jetis Mojokerto
Pedidikan Akhlak Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum Bendung Jetis Mojokerto
Creator Habibullah, Muhammad Romadlon
Nihayah, Hamidatun
Imamah, Habibatul
Subject Pendidikan Moral
Moral education
Description Moral education is the spirit of Islamic religious education and achieving a perfect morality is the real goal of education. Moral education is important for humankind the importance of morals is not only in the life of the individual but also in living in the family and society, even in the life of dancing. Morals are the essence of life and make the difference between humans and animals. “Akhlak†is conscious guidance or leadership by educators of the educated is physical and spiritual development towards the formation of praiseworthy morals.
The concept of moral education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Ulum not stated directly in the vision and mission of the madrasah. However, moral education values ​​are, in the student code of ethics, for exemplary methods, habituation, lectures, and stories, as well as reward and punishment, implementation of moral education at MTs Madinatul Ulum Baureno Bojonegoro.
They are teaching human resources, complete regulatory tools, hidden curriculum, religious culture facilities, and infrastructure that are sufficient to support moral education activities. Meanwhile, the inhibiting faktors for moral education at MTs Madinatul Ulum Baureno Bojonegoro consisted of internal faktors; Inconsistent and sustainable enforcement of rules, Limited time in Madrasa. External faktors; Family environment, community environment.
Moral education is education regarding the basics of morality (morals) and the virtue of character, traits that are owned and must be made a habit by children from childhood until they become converts. There is no doubt that the virtues of morality, temperament, and character are one of the fruits of profound faith and true religious development. Morals are very important for humans. This moral urgency is not only felt by humans in individual life but also in family and community life, even in the life of the nation or state. Morals are living things that distinguish human beings from animal beings. Humans without morals are human beings who have been "beast" and are very dangerous. Humans will be eviler and more ferocious than the beasts themselves. Thus, if the morals have disappeared from each human being, this life will be chaotic, society will fall apart. So many things can cause moral decline (moral decadence) which can lead to bad morals or despicable behavior
Publisher Pendidikan Agama Islam
Date 2020-12-01
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source AL-AUFA: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KAJIAN KEISLAMAN; Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Juli-Desember 2020; 35-48
Language ind
Rights Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Romadlon Habibullah, Hamidatun Nihayah, Habibatul Imamah