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Jurnal Independent

Journal title Jurnal Independent
Initial JISINTA On goingFrequency Two issue at year (March and September)DOI
ISSN Print2775-2011ISSN Online 2775-1090Ed. In Chief Ayu Dian Ningtias Man. EditorMohammad Farid MachfudinPublisher Litbang Pemas Universitas Islam LamonganCite Analyze Google ScholarIndexed by Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda


Jurnal Independent is published by Litbang Pemas Universitas Islam Lamongan. Jurnal Independent aimed to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information on legal and judiciary studies. The scope of Jurnal Independent  is analytical, objective, empirical, and contributive literature on the dynamics and development of legal studies, specifically in Indonesia.

Jurnal Independent welcomes scientific papers on a range of topics from research studies, judicial decisions, theoretical studies, literature reviews, philosophical and critical consultations that are analytical, objective, and systematic. However, from a wide range of topics that researchers can choose from, Jurnal Independent puts more attention to the papers focusing on the sociology of law, living law, legal philosophy, history of national law, customary law, literature studies, international law, interdisciplinary, and empirical studies.

Jurnal Independent is a media dedicated to judicial personnel, academician, practitioners, and law expertise in actualizing the idea of research, development, and analysis of law and judiciary. Jurnal Independent comes out two times a year in March and September.

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