Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi (en: Psikohumaniora: Journal of Psychological Research) is a research-based psychological journal published by Faculty of Psychology and Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia. The journal is dedicated to developing studies of clinical and positive psychology by diffusing research backed by solid empirical evidence. It is hoped that it will provide a reference and guidance to enhance people's psychological potential and improve their mental health, as well as offering adaptive strategies for preventing and reducing the risks of psychological problems. In the long run, the journal is expected to have a positive impact on individuals and the community.
The journal was first published in November 2016 and has been accredited by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia and earned the Second Grade (SINTA 2) in 2019 based on Decree No. 10/E/KPT/2019, valid until 2023. This journal has been indexed on reputable indexing databases such as DOAJ, Dimensions, Open AIRE, Google Scholar, etc.
The journal has been accepted for indexing by Scopus on Thursday, March 17, 2022.

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